In 2020 Vito Rimoldi began a collaboration with La Compagnia Dell’Arte, comprised of a group of artists, two art gallery owners, and other friends who are always searching for opportunities to depict beauty in contemporary art.
A way to share the company's values
The initial project involved furnishing the 5,000 sq. m. production space in Busto Arsizio with pictures that interpret the company’s brand values and embellish the workspaces.
To accomplish this, we planned to display reproductions of known works of art that align with our corporate principles.
However, while looking for a supplier to carry out this plan, we happened to meet the painter Francesco Fornasieri and the gallery owner Paolo Galli. In speaking with them, we realized that we had a common understanding of the meaning of work, the exhausting effort it requires, and its dignity and greatness.

The commission to produce the artworks
The project therefore took a much more courageous and innovative direction: to commission the artists of La Compagnia Dell’Arte to produce works of art that have the aim of interpreting the meaning of the workplace and that arise from observing the people at work and the machines in operation.
In December 2021 the first four works of art by the painters Letizia Fornasieri, Elisabetta Necchio, and Francesco Zavatta were displayed in the factory.
The paintings
Elisabetta Necchio interpreted the people she had photographed during her site inspections through archetypal figures like the Argonaut, who maneuvers a ship towards a fixed destination, and the Angel, who keeps the world clean without being noticed.
Francesco Zavatta represented an external view of the company warehouse by use of lines and an explosion of red color on white canvas.
Letizia Fornasieri introduced something from nature into the factory, drawing a canal located in the Po countryside that has a calming effect on those who observe it.

An integral vision of man
This project furthers the goal of sustainability by offering an integral vision of man and his innate need for beauty.
Work is not just sacrifice and the duty to earn one’s living, but also self-fulfillment, dedication, and creativity.
A pleasant workplace facilitates the person's harmonious relationship with his or her surroundings.
The relevance of this project was confirmed by the head of TÜV NORD, Vito Rimoldi’s certification partner, which noted that a comfortable, clean, and well-kept workplace significantly decreases the risk of accidents.
Recent developments
In 2022 our company renewed its partnership with the Compagnia dell'Arte, with the aim of creating a work of art on the theme of Vito Rimoldi’s collaboration with the cooperative Solidarietà e Servizi.
The result was a series of five panels by the painter Francesco Fornasieri depicting the spires of the Milan Cathedral. The spires are the symbol of a celebration of the work of the entire community of Lombardy, done in order to leave its best to future generations.
An additional sixth panel recalls the marble plaque indicating the year the construction of the cathedral began. On this panel Fornasieri carved the motto that defines the nature of the company’s collaboration with the cooperative: “concorrere”, i.e. to walk a path together.