An integrated management system for quality, environment, health, and safety
Vito Rimoldi has fulfilled the requirements of a certification relating to its integrated management system for quality, environment, health, and safety, which evidences its strategic approach to continuous improvement and the prevention of risk factors.
The company’s commitment to the environment is demonstrated in its reduction of its carbon footprint in its production processes, thanks to the use of renewable sources of energy for more than 45 percent of its energy needs and to the recycling of over 70 percent of the waste generated by production.
A manufacturing plant shared with a social cooperative
Vito Rimoldi and the type B social cooperative Solidarietà e Servizi share the same plant in separate but connected spaces. The space for Solidarietà e Servizi employs disabled people on our biggest production line.
The alliance with Solidarietà e Servizi represents an opportunity for the continual growth of our company, and because of its innovative nature, has also been the subject of studies by CESEN (the center for studies on ecclesiastical bodies of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) and by DePaul University in Chicago.

Artworks in the factory
“We need to stop thinking that art is as an option or a luxury, or worse, an affectation. Art is the bedrock of culture itself […]. As it is said: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone’ (Mt 4:4). That is exactly right. We live by beauty.” J. B. Peterson, New York, 2021.
Grounded in the understanding that beauty can enrich, stimulate, and support the life of each and every worker, our company has given life to a courageous project: to furnish the production warehouse with contemporary works of art.
These paintings, created by artists of the caliber of Letizia Fornasieri, Elisabetta Necchio, and Francesco Zavatta, have the aim of interpreting the meaning of our workplace. They arise, in fact, from an intense dialogue between the artists and everyone who works at the company and from observing the machines in operation. The artworks stimulate the search for that beauty that every person needs, even if they aren’t aware of it.
Support for ONLUS AVSI
Vito Rimoldi has supported the AVSI Foundation for over 15 years.
AVSI is a nongovernmental ONLUS organization that carries out development and humanitarian aid projects in 38 countries, including Italy.
Our support for this entity arises from our agreement with a principle expressed in 2015 by Giampaolo Silvestri, the general secretary of the foundation:
“The collaboration between NGOs and companies is born and takes place when all those involved understand that it is worthwhile to work together, to broaden horizons, and to try to have a vision of the entire reality in which we live and operate. This understanding, in fact, gives new energy to those who do business and supports those who carry out developmental projects."