Every year our company renews its support to AVSI Foundation. AVSI is a non-profit organization (NGO) that implements development and humanitarian aid projects in 33 countries, including Italy. AVSI implements cooperation projects in various sectors with a preferential focus on education, meaning that the person is accompanied towards self-discovery and recognition that the other person is a resource.
The Meeting Point International and the Luigi Giussani School
Our support is mainly aimed at sustaining educational activities in Uganda, where AVSI has worked since 2002. Meeting Point International (MPI) is an Ungandan NGO supported by AVSI and located in the suburbs of Kampala. It is an organization that works with vulnerable people, with a particular focus on women and children, in order to improve their health and life conditions.
Over time, clinics, offices and even the Luigi Giussani School were born from the MPI. In the Luigi Giussani Pre-Primary, Primary and High School educators and students take together a path of personal and professional growth.
Uganda. On the frontline in the fight against COVID-19
In March 2020, Uganda recorded its first case of COVID-19 and Government swiftly closed all schools and educational institutions to limit the spread of the new Coronavirus.
The government's own attempt to adopt a distant learning program proved to be ineffective. As a consequence, the training courses followed by thousands of children and teenagers were abruptly interrupted. The private school sector was the most affected, as it is financed by school fees paid by individuals.
AVSI organized activities that permitted to alleviate the negative impact of this pandemic on the students of the Luigi Giussani School: digital training for teachers, online education material that could be used independently at home, trainings to improve teaching effectiveness.
In addition, Meeting Point International organized training sessions on the pandemic and psycho-social support activities for the local community. Moreover food and hygiene items were delivered to the most vulnerable people.
AVSI in the world
AVSI currently implements 216 humanitarian aid projects and supports 23.872 children around the world through a distance support program. Avsi has a staff made of 2.375 people.
The direct beneficiaries are 5,055,192 and the indirect ones 36,927,442, with more than 21,500 donors, including businesses, schools, foundations, institutions and individuals.
For every Euro received, 89.97 cents are used to implement projects.
The collaboration with AVSI over the years has shown us the convenience of broadening our horizon at work to have a better understanding of the reality in which we live and operate.
Company profit can bring benefit to individuals and to the world, in a virtuous and non-subtractive dynamic.
Combining profit and social purpose gives us new energy and makes us hope for a better future.